Business phone systems are critical to every business but now more than ever its crucial to customer experience. Whether you customers just want to check their balance, open a ticket or talk to a human its the phone system that creates that connection. It’s always been interesting to me how many companies have been unwilling to invest in enterprise grade business communications. The reality is of all the services companies use to grow their business and take care of customers, the business phone is the MOST critical service any company uses. At the end of the day If clients can’t reach your business then your out of business. Let me illustrate the point a little more clearly. Think of that expensive SEO service you pay for every month to make sure you show up in Google for clients to find you. Think about those expensive ads you pay for on the radio or online. Think about the cost of all the labor you pay for so employees can take care of your clients. Many companies don’t blink an eye in paying for those services, yet in every one of those services the connectivity of the customer who hears the ad, finds you in Google etc is the phone. Even if they hit your business website first, they will ultimately call your phones or chat online with your employees to make a purchase or get support. NONE of those solutions works without the phone system connectivity (including online chat with omnichannel).
Today business phones have better features than ever before, they connect to your other critical systems, they connect employees with instant messaging, presence and mobility. They allow employees work from anywhere and connect to customers. Enterprise-class features create a modern user experience to streamline voice communications and connect businesses with their customers more than ever before.
Here is some more good news….Hosted VoIP service moves your phones and all the clunky equipment to the cloud and in most cases will save businesses 30% or more over traditional phone service. Now not all solutions are the same in fact much like Internet you get what you pay for.
Here are a few of the top features available that you might have seen or wished for….
Intelligent call routing
With intelligent personal and system call routing you able to move calls from mobile device to desktop seamlessly. You can change auto attendants on the fly, and create dynamic call flows that can be adjusted from any web browser instantly.

Secure HD Voice
I can’t say enough about call quality on hosted solution with High Definition audio for all employees. Whether over a speaker, a headset or the traditional handset call quality is unmatched.
Easy to Deploy and Scale
VoIP is the easiest solution to scale because its dynamic. You no longer have to worry about how many ports you have available or having to schedule a tech to come and program additional users. The entire system can be supported in the cloud with a phone call or email and phones are shipped to you ready to go plug n play.
Modern Desktop and Mobile Apps
Powerful apps unlock the ability to communicate and interact with contacts from any device, anywhere and anytime. Things like instant messaging, video conferencing and presence are baked in. You don’t need Microsoft or some 3rd party messaging app or video product. On modern solutions its baked in and its state of the art such as GotoMeeting, Zoom, and others.

Software Integrations
Improve productivity with native integrations to Salesforce, DealerSocket, SolutionReach, Zoho, Microsoft 365, Clio, Googe G-suite and many many more. Get rid of the duiplication efforts of employees trying to keep track of customer contacts and CRM, its not all integrated into the phone system software.

There are too many features to cover them all here but let me assure you its not like the old days when you bought system that could do all this stuff and no one ever used it. Today features are intuitive and integrated and easy to use. There are online videos to train users and to remind you how to do certain functions. The support is 24×7 365 days a year and its free with the service. Many solutions have online chat support, phone support or they will simply do a screen share and show you on your system how to do things. The support is so much better than traditional phone systems that you will realize you didn’t know how good it could be. Modern VoIP is secure, redundantly backed up and available wherever you are on whatever device you carry.