Remote working has caused employees to rethink and better accommodate their priorities in life and employers to rethink operations regarding how they can best work with professionals and create teams. More than two-thirds of professionals were working remotely during the peak of the pandemic, according to a new report by work marketplace Upwork, and over the next five years, 25% of professionals will likely continue to work remotely.
Overall there are 4 ways remote workers have benefited business and the economy:
Remote workers are more productive
Remote and online collaboration technology are proving to be helpful with hidden benefits like making teams work better together. Higher meeting attendance rates, more attentive managers, simplified communication, and more breaks are just a few of the positive changes. It’s made many more productive. Sixty-one percent of workers said their productivity increased from working remotely, according to an Upwork survey.
Remote work has freed up relocation opportunities
An urban study by a professor at the University of Toronto projected that remote work will accelerate the movement of families out of superstar cities into suburbs and the 1% who are seeking lower taxes. The dozen or so places that will consequently attract new talent, will change economic development.
Employers are hiring more independent talent
Employers have become more inclined to build hybrid teams made up of both full-time employees and freelance workers. A remote workforce allows employers to attract talent from all over the US who can live wherever they want, Bringing their skill set to companies in geographic areas who would normally struggle to attract top talent. Upwork survey found that 36% of hiring managers plan to hire out more independent talent.
Remote workers saving time and money
Without daily commutes, workers have more hours and bigger bank accounts. One year of working remotely has saved people on average nine days from commuting, per Upwork’s research. And car commuters saved around $4,350, including costs to public from their driving. That extra time and money benefits the economy.
Remote employees will be able to revel in fewer interruptions, and remote work won’t always be done from home. Florida thinks neighborhoods will reshape as offices.