Is Cybercrime increasing or decreasing: 5 disturbing statistics from remote workers

Have you ever considered how the rush to set up remote workers has impacted network security?  Are we now more secure or less secure?  What did we gain, or possibly miss in terms of vulnerability?  Consider the following….Microsoft reported 32 million subscribers using Teams on March 11th, a 40% increase. Most business only dream of…

IT Budgets: 2020-2021 Planning for business continuity during Covid-19.

Since the world went crazy in 2020 and the fact that we faced a world-wide pandemic,global tech spending dropped by 7.3% in 2020 and forecasts suggest 4.3.% growth in 2021 which is still down from 2019 levels (according to Gartner). The World Economic Situation and Prospects as of mid-2020 report, published on 13 May stated…

Working from home: 7 Rules for getting it right.

Maintain eye contact, offer a firm handshake, dress appropriately: the basic rules that define a professional attitude at work are well-established, and office etiquette evolves only slowly. But with the office effectively moving online, many codes that make up business etiquette have now been shattered. Many of us barely bat an eyelid at impromptu Zoom…

How COVID 19 Changed the way we Communicate

Its amazing how so much has changed in such a short time. Within a matter of days, we went from working in our offices to working from home. We went from face‑to‑face meetings to web conferencing from our kitchen tables. From picking up the office line to picking up our smartphones to get calls on…

Most Secure Video Conferencing Tools

As companies and individuals continue the transition to online lessons and meetings, the FBI recommends exercising due diligence and caution in your cybersecurity efforts. But do you know if a video platform is secure? The defacto standard term for video during this epidemic has been Zoom. However Zoom has been in the news for its…

Working Remotely? Try these 10 Tools for better Communication, Collaboration & Organization

One of the best things about being in a technology driven society is that many of us can work anywhere. As long as we have an internet connection, it’s relatively easy for us to get most of our day-to-day work done. To build that report, manage our sales teams, send that email, or set up…

4 Tools to Stay Connected with Remote Employees

Ideally, a remote employee is self-disciplined, needs little oversight, and can stay focused on getting the job done. Working from home is not for everyone. Employees who are not used to it might feel disconnected, isolated, or lonely. Collaboration tools play a crucial role when you are dealing with offices or clients separated by time…

5 Remote Work Best Practices

In light of a worldwide pandemic school teachers, customer care teams, solutions specialists and staff functions have had to be moved to remote workers. IT also has gone remote as do a lot of retail associates for certain sectors who can. Everything that can move to a work-at-home environment has or is being moved until…