How MPLS will Improve your Network

What is MPLS? MPLS is an acronym for Multi-protocol label switching and it’s a technology used for connecting/networking multiple branch offices together with a private IP connection. Multiprotocol Label Switching is a type of protocol that is used to shape network traffic flows and to increase speed. As a standard today, networks are divided into…

Why you need to move to Integrated Cloud Solutions

If you haven’t already your probably considering moving to Microsoft Office 365 to elevate your business so that your employees can be productive anywhere, work better together, and protect what matters. The reality is the cloud with all its flexibility has also opened up a great deal of complexity because business productivity tools are not…

How to migrate your business to Office 365

Many companies have used Microsoft Office, Outlook and other products for years without encountering the cloud. Your company may be sitting fine in your on-site server farm but there are some great advantages to migrating to Office 365. I know you hate Email issues and have learned probably the hard way not to touch email…

Network Connectivity

MPLS connectivity is the preferred method to connect multiple business locations Have you ever ordered something online and then tracked the package as it makes strange and seemingly illogical stops all over the country? That’s similar to the way IP routing on the Internet works.

High Speed Internet for Business

In Business, Connections are everything. When it comes to business Internet you need more than an internet connection that’s fast. You need a comprehensive solution that is scalable, reliable and secure. After all, the internet is the foundation for enabling all your applications, business functions and more for your employees and customers.

How Agility Helps Businesses Succeed

The goal of any business is to grow and increase revenue. They do that by improving the product they offer, adding features to differentiate from the competition and by trying to create a product that everyone needs and can’t live without. Think back 10 years ago and Steve Jobs’ invention of the iPhone. Prior to…

Agility Communications the best Internet Service Provider for Business

At first glance you might say “hey, your not an ISP”and you’d be right in the truest sense of the word. However I would argue that a telecom consultant is the ultimate Internet service provider because we offer Internet solutions from over 100 different companies. As a technology consultant and a carrier agent we are…

IT Management Best Practices

Most IT Directors focus is to automate and improve business processes throughout the enterprise. But the IT organization itself also has its own need for process improvement and automation. The best-run IT organizations not only focus their process improvement efforts but also seek to optimize their own IT management processes.