What Businesses Can Learn from the 3-time NBA Champions about Technology

They hadn’t won a championship in over 40 years. The coach was a rookie. Their superstar was young and relatively in-experienced in the playoffs. The team hadn’t even gotten past the second round of the playoffs in years. They were criticized for being a jump shooting team and going against the mainstream NBA way of…


How to move your IT infrastructure to a new building

Growth in business is a great and exciting thing. Profits increase, steady workflow and job security for employees helps company morale. Inevitably however the space your business started in can become too small and suddenly you have logistics issues and determine you have to move to a bigger location. Moving your corporate office to a…


Stop wasting your time trying to find your carrier rep

I received a call from a customer today who was struggling with Internet issues. They originally put in a 20mb fiber circuit and had a few IP phones. The business like many others grew and suddenly they had more phones, more cameras, more demand on their bandwidth. They decided it was time to upgrade that…


SMS Texting for business – How to send business texts

SMS texts from your business number can greatly improve communications and responsiveness from your customers. You can push out new sales and marketing promotions, communicate critical information, and provide updates and appointment information to keep your clients informed. This delivers an unparalleled customer service experience because it is immediate and responsive.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital Transformation is using digital technology to solve traditional problems. It is using digital solutions that improve innovation and creativity rather than just enhance or support existing traditional methods. Its integrating digital technology into all areas of your business, fundamentally changing how you operate and deliver value to your clients. 

5 Business trends in 2019

According to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s latest forecast, the national gross domestic product will grow by 2.5 percent in 2019, with inflation decreasing a tenth of a point to an even 2 percent. The most obvious challenge for growing businesses is the dropping unemployment rate, which may hit a record 3.5 percent in 2019. But…


7 Reasons to Upgrade your Voice and Data network

Every business has different priorities and require different technologies for voice communications, Internet, network connectivity, computers and other hardware. But one thing every business leader has in common is that we’ve all made tech purchases and upgrade decisions.

The Biggest Vulnerabilities in your Business Network

There’s a common saying in the world of cybersecurity: It’s not a matter of “if,” but “when” a security incident will rear its ugly head. Businesses constantly have to deal with phishing, malware, insider threats, and newly discovered vulnerabilities. To reduce risk and adequately protect against cyber threats, organizations need to employ a multi-layered security…
