The Total Economic Impact of migrating to Microsoft 365

Many companies are considering a wide range of cloud-based solutions to create and empower the modern workplace. According to a report by Forrester Research 42% of respondents work from home and 32% work from client sites or during travel. They also found that 98% of information workers collaborate with someone else at work on a…


WAN Technologies

For most of business enterprises their Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastructure will be one of their biggest operational expenses in terms of total cost of networking all branch sites to corporate. Given this fact, selecting the most appropriate wide area solution – or even combination of solutions – is a choice that firms cannot afford…


How COVID 19 Changed the way we Communicate

Its amazing how so much has changed in such a short time. Within a matter of days, we went from working in our offices to working from home. We went from face‑to‑face meetings to web conferencing from our kitchen tables. From picking up the office line to picking up our smartphones to get calls on…


Microsoft 365 for Business Everything you want to Know

Microsoft 365 is licensed as a monthly or annual subscription rather than as a perpetual license and it combines a suite of online services you don’t always think of, including business-class email, cloud file storage, and secure voice and video communication tools along with the traditional desktop apps. Because it’s a subscription offering, those desktop…


Small Business WAN Best Practices

Today networks are critical to the operation and innovation of business organizations, workforce productivity is built on the expectation of nonstop access to communications and resources. The primary role of the WAN is to interconnect primary site and remote-site LANs. As networks become more complex in order to meet the needs of any device, any…


Most Secure Video Conferencing Tools

As companies and individuals continue the transition to online lessons and meetings, the FBI recommends exercising due diligence and caution in your cybersecurity efforts. But do you know if a video platform is secure? The defacto standard term for video during this epidemic has been Zoom. However Zoom has been in the news for its…


4 Best Practices for Managing Remote Workers

The remote worker is almost as old as the internet, so we’ve had more than a couple of decades to learn how to manage employees who aren’t physically present. But even with the trend increasing, it’s clear that effectively managing an employee whose “office” is in their home doesn’t mean that there’s a truly symbiotic…
